On September 18th, I attended a presentation on
sustainability. Margaret Cederoth, who is an urban planner at the Parsons Brinckerhoff firm in Sacramento, California, gave the presentation. The presentation
was about how cities can be sustainable. It was extremely interesting to hear
an actual practicing urban planner talk about her work as well discuss how she
implements the elements of sustainable processes into her planning.
One of the most interesting things about the presentation was Ms.
Cederoth’s account on Masdar, the carbon-free city in the United Arab Emirates.
During the presentation, she discussed how she was part of the team of people
who were able to use their skills to create a sustainable city out of a huge
empty area. There aren’t that many opportunities for urban planners to
build a city from nothing, so it was quite fascinating to hear how this was
done. I was also intrigued how Ms. Cederoth described that Masdar was built
“with utilities in mind.” In other words, the team of people that worked on
this project knew that human beings consume and use a lot of resources. With
that in mind, they tried to implement environmentally friendly and efficient
ways to collect energy for the city. Examples ranged from solar panels on
nearly all of the buildings to a wind tower in the middle of the university.
All in all, I was quite fascinated that such a project as a “carbon-free city”
could actually be created in the real world.

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